Online Lead Generation

Gain 5+ leads a day, and Convert 20%+ of leads into opportunities

This is the #1 most powerful lead generation method we know of (and we have tested many).
This service brings together the most advanced marketing, advertising, lead conversion and brand / trust building strategies to create a 100% ‘done for you’ service that delivers a consistent fl ow of highly qualified leads.

Why it works

  • Target

    We research and define your business’s ideal target audience/s. We then define their biggest needs and challenges.
  • Funnel

    We produce a powerhouse of social media advert campaigns targeting your newly defined ‘ideal audience/s’, and then direct them to new highly optimised landing pages we have designed and written on your behalf.
  • Add Value

    We plan, write, design and deliver content of high value such as a report, ‘how to’ or ‘top tips’ etc. In exchange we gain their email addresses and permission to start communicating.
  • Convert

    We plan, write, design and deliver 6 emails designed specifically to turn your hot leads into buying customers.

What we need from you

We take care of everything for you. To start bringing in a constant flow of the highest high quality leads, all we need is:

  • Details on your business and service / product offering
  • A monthly social media advertising budget (we can advise)
  • A social media business page/profile (FREE)
  • A landing page split testing system (from £45 /Month)
  • An email automation system (from £8 /Month)

Continual improvement

To ensure your lead generation continually improves and becomes more cost effective, your campaign will require continual monitoring and development. Our aim is to create sustainable, value for money improvements in quality and quantity of traffic. Each month we will:

  • Test and optimise existing / new adverts, landing pages and conversion emails
  • Manage spend and Cost Per Click bids
  • Produce a monthly report detailing costs and conversion analysis

Who wants an extra 5+ leads a day? Call us on 01604 491 678


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